Safety In Online Chat Rooms



If you are the type of person who feels more comfortable writing about your feelings and issues instead of talking face to face with another, then, you may feel comfortable joining online chat rooms.  You may want to interact in any of the following, just to name a few:

While you may feel a level of comfort in these online discussions, there are steps you need to take to protect your privacy and safety.…

Helping Others to Help Yourself


Do you ever feel like no one cares about what you do, how you feel, or what you say, and that there are reasons why people don’t like you?  It may be the way you feel, but your interpretation of situations may not be grounded in what is truly happening.  If you are feeling those feelings, then, they are real to you and you need to do something to change those feelings. You have to feel better about yourself and others around you.  Helping others is one way to change these feelings.…

Affordable Therapy


Therapy, as in psychological or psychiatric, is generally covered by health insurance.  Mental illness and other psychological issues can have a huge impact on a person’s life and the lives of those around that individual.  It is definitely a need for many people and not a luxury.  If health insurance is not an option that you have access to and you say to yourself, “I need to find a therapist near me”, then, there are other affordable choices.…

Is Talk Therapy Right For Me


If you feel that you need to talk to someone about issues or feelings that are coming up, but aren’t sure if talk therapy is right for you, what can you do?  Fortunately, in this age of technology, you can do a lot of research online to find out answers to many questions.  If you aren’t someone who likes to talk, what do you do?  If you can’t make time in your busy schedule, what do you do?  If you don’t have a method of transportation to get to appointments, what do you do?…