Do you spend a lot of time by yourself, not out of choice, but because you don’t have a circle of friends to interact with? Do you say to yourself, “I am feeling empty”? There are many types of groups that you can join to meet people who have similar interests and that will give you a full cup feeling. Doing a little online or library research will help you get on your way to expanding your social circle.

Check your local library for book clubs. They often gather weekly to discuss a book that was chosen by a librarian or a community member. If reading is something that you love to do, this would be a great social group to join. You would get to read a new book and meet new people who want to discuss the book.
If your town or city has a community center, then, this may be another place to find book clubs. Finally, local bookstores may also have book clubs, which highlight newly published books as well as the classics.

If religion is something that is important in your life, a local church is a great place to find like-minded people within your community. In addition to Sunday services, they often have bible study groups, breakfast groups, choirs, etc. If you feel that spirituality is important, but you aren’t attached to a specific religion, then, there are Buddhist meetings, meditation groups, as well as other spirituality-based groups that meet in various locations. The nature of all these groups is to welcome people and make them feel comfortable so whichever group you choose, you will expand your social circle.
If running is your niche, then, there are many running clubs out there that meet weekly, weather permitting. Whatever level of runner you are, novice to elite, you will find people who move at your pace. They often have guest speakers that may discuss nutrition or running shoes, experts who can help you with your form and a general supportive atmosphere. Many times, these groups train for specific races or have an upcoming race as a goal. If running is something that you are passionate about, then, this would be a great option for you. Check local gyms, specialty running stores, libraries, community centers, or local newspapers for the location where running groups may meet.

Yoga is a type of exercise, but it is also a way of life. Yogis have a positive life outlook and are very welcoming and non-judgmental. It may be considered a type of spirituality and does not have to be attached to any specific religion or philosophy. It is truly an uplifting, stress-reducing, positive practice where you can meet great people who may need support while showing support. Just about every community has a yoga studio or one within driving distance. Many studios offer the first class or first week for free, so you don’t have to invest a lot of money to find the studio that you connect with. Another option is that the first week or first few classes are offered at a bargain price. Groupon is a great place to find those deals.
Many high schools offer night classes in various disciplines, such as cooking, cake decorating, arts and crafts, computer skills, and etc. If there is something you have always wanted to try, you can find classes at low prices. Of course, other participants in these classes also find their subject matter interesting, so you will have an immediate connection to others in the group. If your town doesn’t offer these types of classes, then, you may find them in a nearby town or even at community colleges.